UK Real Estate
Made Simple
Delivering end-to-end solutions to investors looking for exposure to one of the most stable, secure and popular asset classes in the world - UK Real Estate.
We find and secure properties for private individuals, family offices, trusts and property investors. Our team offers informed, objective and independent advice on every aspect of the property buying process, so that you can be confident you are securing the right property on the best possible terms.
Neither owned by, nor a part of any estate agent or financial institution, we answer only to you.
We act exclusively on behalf of the buyer, not the seller. We help buyers understand the market, source the right property, negotiate the best price and then manage and oversee the entire legal process.
Foreign Exchange
We provide our clients access to our foreign exchange partners who offer innovative services to enable them to trade and make payments in all major world currencies in a fast and efficient manner.
This service is ideal for those who are looking to invest in the UK property market but hold currencies other than sterling (£).
Current Developments
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+86 (21) 6101 0057